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SJI will always be with our customers as a good partner
with infinite possibilities.

Opportunity for Talent

SJI always welcomes sincere and creative talents.
We provide an environment where new employees with ambition and experienced employees with professional skills can demonstrate their abilities.


Apply by email (no mail or fax)
Submit an application at any time (24hours)
Submit an application within the application period
(Personal information won’t be used for other purposes)


– Resume form
– Self introduction form
– Application form

Document Screening

1. Find candidates through search to be suitable for requirements
2. Examine application materials thoroughly
3. Select candidates for an interview


Applicants who pass the document screening only
Interviewer : Chiefs of HR and the corresponding area
Open recruitment : Group interview (4-5 people)
Occasional recruitment : Individual interview
Process : Self Introduction, Q&A, Language Test


Interview details : the motive of application, organizational adaptability, view of the job, detailed work capability, personality, expertise, work attitude, hope, activeness, work performance, etc

Notice of Success

Notify individually by email


In case of overbidding at the open recruitment, application can be notified by telephone or posted on our website bulletin board


We do not accept telephone inquiries.


E-mail inquiries need your name and contact number

The personnel system of the SJI aims to be competent and performance-oriented. So its value can be properly evaluated and differentiated wage policies are implemented to make employees develop the ability and to motivate.

Evaluation System

We conduct fair and objective personal and group evaluations at the same time, focusing on ability and performance. We evaluate process as well as results.


– Basic : Integrity, Team&company contribution
– Performance : Performance against target

Salary System

Based on fair evaluations, we implement a reasonable wage policy and a performance pay system that differentiates the profits according to the performance of the organization and its employees.
(Incentive system)

The Policy on Vacation

By providing vacation that can manage the balance between work and life, you can expect improved concentration and better performance.


– Summer / Winter Seasonal Vacation
– Composition Vacation
– Annual Vacation

Reward Program

In order to encourage employees’ morale, we will award employees who are working diligently, actively, and innovatively.


– Model Employee Award
– Excellent Proposal Award (individual / team)
– Long service Award (every 10 years)

Various welfare programs are provided for employees to live a healthy and happy life through harmony of work and life.

Internal and External Leisure Activity Support

We support healthy leisure activities in order to foster mutual development and working positively by promoting friendship.


– Support various internal club activities
– Support volunteer activity

Education Support

We are conducting outsourced training at least once a year in order to lead self-realization and self-growth through employees’ capacity building.

Regular Health Checkup

We conduct regular health checkups to ensure a healthy life for all employees. You can find disease early and receive treatment opportunities.

Congratulations & Condolences Support

We offer bonus and holidays for employees’ marriage and condolence in order to giving congratulations or sympathy.